Saterday 27 November we went to the "Trophee Chloé Grafitaux" in Rocourt in France.This was a boulder competition organised as a memorial for Chloé who died on August this year.
After the competition and before the female super final the mother of Chloé showed pictures and videos of Chloé
We also took Magali Hayen in our car to this competition .
There were more climbers from Klimax Belgium and Olympia Hasselt.They all did their best to climb the 41 Boulders.
Anak Verhoeven,Céline Cuypers, Nils Lemeire and Manolo all finished on the first place in their category.
Ignace climbed well but finished on a 5th place in his category.
Magali Hayen was second after a super final where both females could not top the boulder.