Yesterday 15 Januari 2011 Ignace (Cat. A) and Manolo (Cat.B) became 2011 Flemish Lead Climbing Champion in their category at Climbing gym Klimax in Puurs Belgium.
170 young girls and boys from Benelux competed at this competition thay was very well organised.
Manolo climbed his first qualification route to the top.He was not able to top the seond qualification route and that is why he missed the finals.In the finals were 3 Dutch climbers and 1 Luxemburger.Manolo finished 9th of the 26 competitors in his category .He was the first Flemisch competitor so he became Flemish champion.
Ignace topped his first qualification route and climbed very high in the second one.He made it to the finals.He climbed well and finished 3th of the 16 in his category.He was first Flemish competitor so he also became Flemish Lead climbing champion 2011.
Here is a list of the Flemish champions 2011 we know :
Youth D Female : Laure-Anne Stevens
Youth C Female : Céline Cuypers
Youth C Male : Nicolas Stevens
Youth B Female : Anak Verhoeven
Youth B Male : Manolo Debreyne
Youth A Male : Ignace Debreyne
Youth Juniors Female : Saelens Lieselot
Youth Juniors Male : Yannick Lis
Complete results on : www.bvkb.be
Next Saterday The Red Monkeys got to the Youth Lead climbing competition in L'Escale Arlon.