dinsdag 1 november 2011

Weekend to Fontainebleau 30 oct-1 nov 2011

We had no plans to go climbing this weekend. The weather was great so we decided to go to bouldering in  Fontainebleau France . 
We left Sunday morning and we climbed that day at sector Canon.Ignace had already trained hard on Friday and Saterday but climbed hard and was able to boulder his first 7C La Mare Directe .Ignace climbed the line on two different ways : one of his own and the other way from Jan Hojer who also did this one .Ignace and Manolo also  both climbed Les Calins de Kim 7A.
On Monday we went to sector Bas Cuvier .Ignace and  Manolo  tried several  7the grade boulders. 
On Tuesday we went to sector Franchard Isatis but after warm up it started raining so we had to stop and go home.