maandag 31 januari 2011

Open Blok 2011

Saterday 29 Januari Manolo,Ignace and Carl participated at the Open Bouldering competition in Bouldergym "Klimzaal Blok" Hoboken. We climbed together as a team and had fun bouldering.

Manolo finished third in the category -16 Years.He's only thirteen so this was a great result for him.

Ignace (Category 16- 36 Years) felt he was very strong but hurted his feet after 2 hours and had to stop bouldering because his foot was swollen. He will need a couple of days rest.

Carl (Category +36 Years ) climbed hard and had fun.

Sunday was for the climbers who wanted to participate in the finals.
I heard Jonathan Thomas won in the male category and Magali Hayen in the Female.

Now we are waiting for the complete results.

zondag 23 januari 2011

L'Escale Open Youth Arlon

Yesterday Sat 22 januari 2011 Ignace and Manolo competed at the Youth Lead Climbing competition in L'Escale Arlon.

Ignace (Cat.A)climbed to the top of his qualifiaction routes.In the finals he also topped his route.In the superfinals he climbed 2 moves less then Loïc Timmermans and finished second.

Manolo (Cat.B) climbed to the top of his qualification routes.In the finals he did not reach the top and ended on the 9th place.

The routes in qualification,finals and superfinals were too easy for some of these young climbers.

Anak Verhoven was able to take the first place in her category B Female .
Celine Cuypers finished second in C Female.
Team Klimax was now third.Team L'Escale First and Stone Age second.

All results on :

zondag 16 januari 2011

Ignace and Manolo Flemish Lead climbing champion 2010

Yesterday 15 Januari 2011 Ignace (Cat. A) and Manolo (Cat.B) became 2011 Flemish Lead Climbing Champion in their category at Climbing gym Klimax in Puurs Belgium.

170 young girls and boys from Benelux competed at this competition thay was very well organised.

Manolo climbed his first qualification route to the top.He was not able to top the seond qualification route and that is why he missed the finals.In the finals were 3 Dutch climbers and 1 Luxemburger.Manolo finished 9th of the 26 competitors in his category .He was the first Flemisch competitor so he became Flemish champion.

Ignace topped his first qualification route and climbed very high in the second one.He made it to the finals.He climbed well and finished 3th of the 16 in his category.He was first Flemish competitor so he also became Flemish Lead climbing champion 2011.

Here is a list of the Flemish champions 2011 we know :

Youth D Female : Laure-Anne Stevens
Youth C Female : Céline Cuypers
Youth C Male : Nicolas Stevens
Youth B Female : Anak Verhoeven
Youth B Male : Manolo Debreyne
Youth A Male : Ignace Debreyne
Youth Juniors Female : Saelens Lieselot
Youth Juniors Male : Yannick Lis

Complete results on :

Next Saterday The Red Monkeys got to the Youth Lead climbing competition in L'Escale Arlon.

donderdag 13 januari 2011

Five ten Sponsoring Ignace 2011

Ignace is this year again member of the sponsored Five Ten Team in Belgium.

dinsdag 11 januari 2011

Where to buy Rock Pillars and Ocun in Belgium and Netherlands

Do you also want to try Rock Pillars climbing shoes or equipment of Ocun ?

Here are some shops and climbing gym's in Belgium and Netherlands where you can find them :

-Boulder gym Blok Hoboken

-Avventura (Gent, Brussels, Brugge) (also webshop)

-Bleuberry Hill (also webshop)

-Alpinisme et Randonnee (Le Comte)

- Climbing gyml L’escale Arlon

- Climbing gym's Neoliet (Netherlands)

OCUN equipment

-K2 Antwerpen (Ocun)

-De Horizon (Ocun)

- Seeonee

woensdag 5 januari 2011

Visit Lubelco

Yesterday Karen and Manolo went to Lubelco the Benelux distributor of Rock Pillars and Ocun. Manolo signed his contract and got information from Jan De Bock.

Did you know :
-Rock Pillars is named after an area in the middle of Siberia with beautiful pink granite spires where they climb on 200 m tall pillars
- Local climbers started to produce climbing shoes in 1988 for their own
- In 1994 production started in Czech Republic a country with long shoe-making tradition
- Rock Pillars and Ocun are only distributed in Europe and are popular in Germany
- Ocun and Rock Pillars are two brands for the same company from Czech Republic
- Another famous Belgian rock climber wearing these rock shoes is Jerome De Boeck

Manolo now has Pearl LU and Zion rock climbing shoes, a chalk bag and T-shirt that he will use for training and climbing.
Manolo tryed his Pearl climbing shoes today for the first and found them very comfortable.