Saterday 14 May 2011 was the first Belgian Youth Boulder championship in Bouldergym Blok .
This competition is more stressfull then youth Boulder circuit competitions.Here you have 2 minutes to read the boulder and after that you have 4 minutes to climb it.
Manolo (Youth B) had a hard time climbing the first boulder but topped it at the end of his 4 minutes.Boulder 2 and 3 were too hard for him and boulder 4 was topped by him and by everyone first try.Nicolas Van Cayzele was the only one who topped 3 boulders and is Belgian Champion Boulder 2011. 2° place Vincent Van Habost and third Lorenzi Simone.Manolo was 4°.
Ignace (Youth A) climbed as hard as he could but did not top any boulder.Loic Timmermans topped 3 of the 4 boulders and is Belgian Champion Boulder 2011. Lukas Geukens 2° place and 3° Jonathan Berthe.Ignace 6° place.
Other Belgian champions are Chloé Caulier (Female Youth B),Sebastien Berthe(Juniors male).
Some pictures on : Picassa
Complete resulst on : http://ybc.belclimb.net/